Urban Day School: Welcome, Parents and Family! 

From 40 parents responding, these were the top answers to the survey...

What can we do to make it easier for you to participate at UDHS?
32 parents said: send out monthly newsletters

Urban Day has a Parent Resource Center. What would you like to see in the resource center?

20 parents said: literature about jobs and resume writing

What types of workshops would you like to attend?
19 parents said: discipline vs. punishment

What type of events would you and your family like to attend?
28 parents said: student performance/open house

What skills or interests do you have to lend to the school?
17 parents said: wherever I'm needed!

Interested in joining an Action Team for Partnerships?
5 parents said: yes

A big thanks to all the parents who participated. We will have Parents Plus conduct the workshops that you suggested you'd like to see, most likely during our monthly parent meetings. Also, check the job board located outside of the advocate office for job postings! Head Start has a monthly newsletter, and it can be found outside the advocate office